Biology and Management of the Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse
A series of 4 online sessions with the goal of improving understanding of the biology, ecology, and management of the endangered Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse.
Photo credit: Judy Irving (c) Pelican Media
COST: $50.00
Payable by check to Elkhorn Slough Foundation
Payable by credit card (online)
Instructor Information
Marisa Ishimatsu
Compliance Monitoring Team Lead
WRA, Inc.
Dr. Katie Smith
Wildlife Biologist
WRA, Inc.
Patricia Valcarcel
Regulatory Program Director
WRA, Inc.
Grant Lyon
See also: Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse, Habitat Restoration
The salt marsh harvest mouse (Reithrodontomys raviventris) is an endangered species endemic to the San Francisco Bay Area. Dr. Katie Smith, along with her colleagues Tricia Valcarcel and Marisa Ishimatsu, will present 4 webinar presentations to improve understanding of the biology, ecology, and management of the endangered salt marsh harvest mouse. Katie, who works for WRA, has studied the salt marsh harvest mouse extensively and received her Ph.D. from UC Davis.
This workshop is being jointly offered by the Coastal Training Programs of the Elkhorn Slough and San Francisco Bay National Estuarine Research Reserves.
Session Topics
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*Very Important*
It is important to note that no component of this workshop should be construed to apply to attendee’s ability to obtain permits for salt marsh harvest mouse; if you are interested in how workshop activities might be used for permitting, you are encouraged to contact your agency permitting representative.
Payment Deadline and Registration Details
5 pm, May 19 is the deadline for both payment and registration.
We do not allow 3rd party registration - please do not register anyone but yourself. Registration is email sensitive; registering others frequently results in cancellation, missed communication, and other issues.
If you cancel prior to May 19, 5 pm., we will refund any registration fees. Although we cannot refund registration fees after this date, please let us know as soon as possible if you cannot attend, so we can allow others the opportunity to register. You cannot transfer your registration to another person, even in your own organization. Your help with these guidelines makes it possible for these workshops to be offered as fairly and affordably as possible.
We reserve the right to cancel or postpone this event should we receive insufficient registration by May 19; in that event, we will remit full refunds.
Documents and Publications
Contact List
We encourage participants to download the contact list to assist with arranging a rideshare or to get in contact with someone you met at the
workshop. Those interested in sharing a ride to the event are marked on the contact list.
Handout: Mouse Body Condition Scale PDF, 37KB |
Handout: Percent Cover Diagrams PDF, 97KB |
Phase 3 Field Guide - Vegetation Diversity and Structure April 2001 |
Handout: Rodent Measuring Methods JPG, 82KB |
Ingles, L |
Handout: Small Mammal Hair Clipping Guide PDF, 14KB |
Handout: SMHM Workgroup Field Data Sheet PDF, 346KB |
2018 |
Poster: Managing the Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse in the Built Environment PDF, 2.2MB |
Smith, KR, L Barthman-Thompson, S Estrella, and MK Riley |
Poster: Novel Insights into the Diet of the Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse PDF, 8.3MB |
Edgerton, EM, and CR Rose |
Poster: Predators of the Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse in the Suisun Marsh PDF, 3.7MB |
Smith, KR, MK Riley, C Angulo, S Fresquez, M Smith, S Trombley, and M Zhang |
Poster: Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse Nest Variation: Potential to Adapt to Rising Sea Levels PDF, 2.2MB |
Trombley, S |
Poster: Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse Summary PDF, 4.2MB |
Smith, KR |
Poster: Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse Survey Bias at China Camp State Park PDF, 1.1MB |
Barthman-Thompson, L |
Conservation genetics of the endangered San Francisco Bay endemic salt marsh harvest mouse (Reithrodontomys raviventris) PDF, 929KB |
Statham, MJ, S Aamoth, L Barthman-Thompson, S Estrella, S Fresquez, LD Hernandez, R Tertes, and BN Sacks Conservation Genetics 17(5): 1055-1066 2016 |
Development of a morphological key for the southern salt marsh harvest mouse using genetically verified individuals PDF, 1.3MB |
Statham, Mark J., L Barthman-Thompson, S. Fresquez, and B.N. Sacks California Fish and Wildlife Special CESA Issue:367-381 2021 |
Distinguishing between northern salt marsh and western harvest mice PDF, 543KB |
Sustaita, D, SK Brown, L Barthman-Thompson, S Estrella, L Patterson, PQ Finfrock, and FX Villablanca The Journal of Wildlife Management 82(4): 723-733 May 2018 |
Effects of natural and anthropogenic change on habitat use and movement of endangered salt marsh harvest mice PDF, 1.3MB |
Smith, KR, L Barthman-Thompson, WR Gould, and KE Mabry PLoS ONE 9(10): e108739 October 2014 |
Habitat selection of the salt marsh harvest mouse and sympatric rodent species PDF, 663KB |
Bias, MA, and ML Morrison Journal of Wildlife Management 70(3): 732-742 2006 |
Of mice and mallards: positive indirect effects of coexisting prey on waterfowl nest success PDF, 1.8MB |
Ackerman, JT OIKOS 99(3): 469-480 December 2002 |
Potential evidence of communal nesting, mate guarding, or biparental care in the salt marsh harvest mouse (Reithrodontomys raviventris halicoetes) PDF, 2.2MB |
Trombley, S, and KR Smith California Fish and Game 103(1): 15-20 2017 |
Salt marsh harvest mice, urban development, and rising sea levels PDF, 1.1MB |
Shellhammer, HS Conservation Biology 3(1): 59-65 1989 |
Salt marsh harvest mouse demography and habitat use in the Suisun Marsh, California PDF, 167KB |
Sustaita, D, P Finfrock Quickert, L Patterson, L Barthman-Thompson, and S Estrella The Journal of Wildlife Management 75(6): 1498-1507 July 2011 |
The selfie trap: A novel camera trap design for accurate small mammal identification PDF, 212KB |
Gracanin, A, V Gracanin, and KM Mikac Ecological Management & Restoration 20(2): 156-158 2019 |
Threat of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome to field biologists working with small mammals JPG, 239KB |
Kelt, DA, DH Van Vuren, MS Hafner, BJ Danielson, and MJ Kelly Emerging Infectious Diseases 13(9): 1285-1287 2007 |
Toward salt marsh harvest mouse recovery: A review PDF, 14MB |
Smith, KR, MK Riley, L Barthman–Thompson, I Woo, MJ Statham, S Estrella, and DA Kelt San Francisco Estuary and Water Science,16(2): 2 2018 |
Toward salt marsh harvest mouse recovery: Research priorities PDF, 189KB |
Smith, KR, MK Riley, L Barthman–Thompson, MJ Statham, S Estrella, and D Kelt San Francisco Estuary and Water Science 16(2): 1 2018 |
Updated guidelines for protection of mammalogists and wildlife researchers from hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) JPG, 255KB |
Kelt, DA, MS Hafner, and the American Society of Mammalogists Journal of Mammology 91(6): 1524-1527 2010 |
Use of brackish marshes in the South San Francisco Bay by salt marsh harvest mice PDF, 232KB |
Shellhammer, H, R Duke, and MC Orland California Fish and Game 96(4): 256-259 2010 |
Waterfowl management and diet of the salt marsh harvest mouse PDF, 1.3MB |
Smith, KR, and DA Kelt The Journal of Wildlife Management 1-13 September 2019 |
Data collection protocols surveying for the salt marsh harvest mouse (Reithrodontomys raviventris), California vole (Microtus californicus) and other small mammals PDF, 173KB |
Padgett-Flohr, GE, and H Shellhammer Wetlands Regional Monitoring Program Plan 2002 |
Guidance Document - Minimum Qualifications PDF, 390KB |
USFWS United States Fish and Wildlife Service |
Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome Fact Sheet PDF, 205KB |
Center for Disease Control CDC |
Key to Vegetation in Suisun Marsh DOC, 185KB |
2016 |
Minimum qualifications for the salt marsh harvest mouse PDF, 9KB |
Parakeet Mix PDF, 37KB |
Physician Alert Card PDF, 126KB |
California Department of Fish and Wildlife |
Poem: What a wondrous experience PDF, 38KB |
Shellhamer, H |
Preventing Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrom in the Workplace PDF, 4.9MB |
California Department of Public Health |
Rodents and Hantavirus Poster PDF, 1.3MB |
Salt marsh harvest mouse abundance and site use in a managed marsh PDF, 740KB |
Basson, G San Jose State University Master's Thesis 2009 |
Selected Tidal Marsh Plant Species of the San Francisco Estuary: A Field Identification Guide PDF, 2.2MB |
Baye, P San Francisco Estuary Invasive Spartina Project March 2007 |
Small Mammal Survey Codes JPG, 61KB |
2017 |
Suggested SMHM Survey Equipment List DOC, 31KB |
March 2017 |
USFWS Field Office Permit Contact PDF, 521KB |
USFWS United States Fish and Wildlife Service |
Walking in the Marsh: Methods to Increase Safety and Reduce Impacts to Wildlife/Plants DOC, 45KB |
Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse
Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse Symposium 2017 documents
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