
Social Science Basics for Coastal Managers: Conducting Interviews & Writing Effective Survey Questions

This workshop will provide participants with the knowledge to create an "interview guide" tool and conduct effective interviews that can be used in multiple resource management settings and learn best practices to write more effective surveys. Registration is being handled through Eventbrite.


Thursday, March 16, 2023
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Virtual Training

Lunch is not needed

COST: $10.00
Payable by check to Elkhorn Slough Foundation
Payable by credit card (online)


Instructor Information

Dr. Chris Ellis
Social scientist
NOAA Office for Coastal Management

Brenna Sweetman
Social Scientist
NOAA Office for Coastal Management


Grant Lyon


NOAA Office for Coastal ManagementNOAA Office for Coastal Management


See also: Coastal Training Network, Sustainable Human Systems

The social replica watches uk sciences are a valuable but often overlooked element of coastal zone managment. Issues from marsh restoration to flood mitigation all involve understanding critical human elements - knowledge, values, and attitudes - of the people who live, work, and play in these areas. This workshop is taught by NOAA's Office for Coastal Management.


The Conducting Interviews Module will provide participants with the knowledge to create an "interview guide" tool and conduct effective interviews that can be used in multiple resource management settings.


The Writing Effective Survey Questions Module serves to provide coastal managers with best practices to write more effective surveys. Surveys are a popular information collection tool to help coastal managers understand their stakeholders and quickly assess large populations, but poorly designed surveys yield questionable results.


Workshop Objectives

Participants will learn how to:

  • Recognize three types of interviews, as well as their purposes, strengths, and limitations
  • Construct an interview guide using best practices for question construction and sequencing
  • Design and conduct a mock interview, ensuring that all components are included
  • Critique mock interviews and identify best practices and common pitfalls for execution of an interview
  • Review and critique surveys, and identify common mistakes in question design
  • Incorporate 25 best practices when creating survey questions
  • Create appropriate question layout and design
  • Identify ways to improve survey questions that yield desired data types


Workshop Format

This is a virtual workshop. It is one of 3 modules in a series on Social Science Basics for Coastal Managers. Registration in one does not guarantee registration in the other 2 modules. You must sign up for each individually. You do not have to sign up for the first one to understand the others. Sign up for the topics you are interested in. replica handbags


Registration Information

This workshop is being offered jointly by the Coastal Training Programs of the Elkhorn Slough and San Francisco Bay NERR. Registration is being handled through EventBrite, not this website. To register, please visit:


Documents and Publications

Contact List
We encourage participants to download the contact list to assist with arranging a rideshare or to get in contact with someone you met at the workshop. Those interested in sharing a ride to the event are marked on the contact list.

Questions and Answers

Submit a question on this subject and we'll provide an answer. coastaltraining@elkhornslough.org